Learn Photography

A collection of how-to guides in various photographic genres, to help you get the most out of your camera. Each article includes tips on equipment needed, camera settings, and composition.

A Complete Guide To Zoo Photography

David Coultham

Zoo Photography is a great way to hone your nature photography skills. Whether you are going on Safari soon, or ...

Water Splash Photography Art

Water Splash Photography Art

David Coultham

I have written this to share my experiences with Water Splash Art. I have tried many methods of doing this ...

Natural Light Portrait Photography

David Coultham

This article on Portrait Photography is a basic guide to taking portrait photographs in natural light. It’s written for those ...

Night Sky Photography

Night Sky Photography

David Coultham

Camera Gear for Night Sky Photography Firstly, the quality of the camera you use for night-sky photography makes a huge ...

Lightning Photography

David Coultham

In this Lightning Photography how-to guide, I will cover the equipment needed, camera settings, and some composition top tips. This ...

Landscape Photography

David Coultham

In this article, we will talk about Landscape Photography. By the end, you will have a foundation in the best ...

Understanding Hyper-focal Distance

David Coultham

Have you ever looked at a landscape photograph and wondered how the photographer managed to get everything in focus? Everything ...

8 Home Photography Ideas That Anyone Can Do

David Coultham

The inspiration for this article was the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic with many of us being socially distanced at ...

Photographing bokeh

David Coultham

The word bokeh originates from the Japanese word boke ボケ and broadly translates as blur. In photography, the word is ...

A Complete Guide To Bird Photography

David Coultham

Bird Photography is one of the most challenging genres of photography. This is particularly true if you are photographing birds ...

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