
Fix It In Photoshop | Portrait Retouching – Iris Enhancement

David Coultham

This extremely simple technique will make the natural color and detail within the iris pop. STEP 1: With your image ...

Fix It In Photoshop | Beginners Guide To Blend Modes

David Coultham

Blend Modes are a way of controlling how different Layers in a stack of images interact with each other. Essentially ...

Fix It In Photoshop | Create A Lens Flare Effect

David Coultham

Capturing Lens Flare In-Camera can be tricky, especially with modern lenses; because they have coatings specifically to inhibit the effect ...

Fix It In Photoshop | Master Photoshop Adjustment Curves

David Coultham

Curves or as they are also commonly known as an Adjustment Curve or Adjustment Curves are a powerful way of ...

Fix It In Photoshop | Master Adobe Camera RAW

David Coultham

In this article, we cover some of the most commonly used post-processing techniques that are performed in Adobe Photoshop Camera ...

Fix It In Photoshop | Master Photoshop Interface In 10 Easy Lessons

David Coultham

This article covers all the main methods available to you within Photoshop to manage and tailor your working environment. The ...

Fix It In Photoshop | How To Create Sun rays

David Coultham

This technique is great for any photograph where you have light peeking through from the background. The general principle is ...

Fix It In Photoshop | How To Create Perspective Motion Blur

David Coultham

When you sit in a car or a train, you will notice that objects closer to you look like they ...

Fix It In Photoshop | How To Brighten or Darken An Image

David Coultham

If your image is looking too dull or bright then you probably need to adjust the exposure. Here is how ...

Fix It In Photoshop | How To Fix Clipped Highlights

David Coultham

Here is a short article on how to deal with clipped highlights / blown-out pixels in Adobe Photoshop: We are ...

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