
Wildlife In Focus | Red Fox

David Coultham

Species Guide: Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) APPEARANCE As its name suggests, the Red Fox has predominantly red-orange fur with white ...

Wildlife In Focus | Eurasian Otter

David Coultham

Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra) suffered significantly in the UK and were virtually extinct in the 1960s. Their population density has ...

Wildlife In Focus | European Wildcat

David Coultham

Species Guide on the Wildcat (Felis silvestris) The Wildcat (Felis silvestris) is colloquially known as the Scottish Wildcat or the ...

Wildlife In Focus | European Badger

David Coultham

The European Badger (Meles Meles) is one of the most iconic mammals in the UK. They are large mammals with ...

Wildlife In Focus | Red Deer

David Coultham

Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) are a common sight across much of the British Isles, and indeed in many parts of ...

Wildlife In Focus | Pine Marten

David Coultham

The Pine Marten is one of the most elusive animals to spot in the wild. They have dark-brown hair with ...

Wildlife In Focus | Red Squirrel

David Coultham

The Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is an iconic mammal in the United Kingdom, and this is a great thing as ...

Wildlife In Focus | 10 Mammals You Might Spot In Scotland

David Coultham

Here are 10 mammals that you might be able to spot if you visit Scotland. Plus a bonus mammal that ...

10 Animals To Spot In The Scottish Highlands

David Coultham

The Scottish Highlands are one of the few remaining havens left in the U,K. for some of the wildlife of ...

American Mink

David Coultham

Mink are part of the mustelid family of animals, which includes; otters, stoats, weasels, badgers, and pine martens. Mink are ...

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