Eurasian Nuthatch

The Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea), is a small passerine bird found across the Palearctic and Europe. They have blue-gray upper parts, a black eye stripe, and a loud “dwip” call. There are over 20 subspecies, with variations in throat color and underparts depending on their geographic location.

This bird prefers mature deciduous or mixed woodlands with large, old trees, particularly oak. Nuthatches nest in tree holes, often using old woodpecker nests. If the entrance is too large, the female uses mud to reduce it. They typically lay six to nine red-speckled white eggs.

Primarily insectivorous, the Eurasian nuthatch feeds on caterpillars and beetles, adding nuts and seeds to its diet in autumn and winter. It is skilled at foraging head-first down tree trunks and is a habitual hoarder, storing food year-round. Its main natural predator is the Eurasian sparrowhawk.

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