Common Rosefinch

The Common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus), also known as the Scarlet Rosefinch, is a widespread species found in Asia and Europe. It measures 13–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length and has a stout, conical bill. Mature males have a rosy-carmine head, breast, and rump, with dark brown wings and a white belly, while females and young males are dull-colored with yellowish-brown above and buff below.

Adults undergo molting between September and November, with males’ red color brightening with wear during winter. A rare yellow variant exists, influenced by diet and parasites.

Common Rosefinches breed across a range from the Danube valley and Siberia to the Bering Sea, the Caucasus, and parts of northern Iran, and winter from southern Iran to southeast Asia and India. They prefer thickets and woodland edges in summer and gardens and orchards in winter.

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