The great thing about this technique is that it smooths the skin, but also maintains details such as texture and pores.
STEP 1: With your image opened in Photoshop, create a duplicate of your background Layer by either dragging and dropping it to the ‘Create A New Layer’ icon or from the Application Bar using ‘Layer > Duplicate Layer’.
STEP 2: Invert the Layer using Command I (on a Mac) or Control I (on a PC), or through the Application Bar using ‘Image > Adjustments > Invert’. Now change the Blend Mode of this Layer from ‘Normal’ into ‘Vivid Light’.
STEP 3: Head up to the Application Bar and ‘Filter > Other > High-Pass’. Set the Radius to 8 pixels, and press OK to commit the change. You will have gone through a few colorful transitions right there, and your image will now look a little blurry.
STEP 4: Create a Mask from the Layers Panel icon named ‘Add Layer Mask’, then invert the Mask using Command I (on a Mac) or Control I (on a PC).
STEP 5: Then, grab a medium-sized brush using the Brush Tool with a Soft Edge. Set the Flow to about 20%. Using the Color Picker, make sure you have selected the color White. Now paint the subject in the areas you want to soften. Try to avoid areas around the lips the eyes, and the nose, or any areas where there is detail or highlights.